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Environmental Consultation and Education

The IWRC is a nationally recognized organization at the University of Northern Iowa devoted to environmental consulting, assistance, training and education for entities with environmental impact or need.

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Environmental Assistance

Environmental assistance helps your Iowa small businesses meet regulations through monitoring, compliance tracking, on-site audits, permit assistance, and deploying new technologies to help you reduce and reuse waste.

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Energy Efficiency

Free on-site energy efficiency technical assistance and educational materials help your Iowa small businesses reduce energy consumption and costs through energy audits and efficiency education, improving both sustainability and profitability.

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eaten apple core surrounded by recycling errows

Food, Beverage and Organics

Focused on diverting organic waste from landfills through solutions like anaerobic digestion, composting, and waste prevention. Audits, training, regulatory guidance, and the Iowa Green Brewery Certification are some of the services you can expect.

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Painter Training

Improve your production efficiency, reduce waste, and ensure regulatory compliance. Customized training for diverse industries can boost your productivity, minimize defects, and can be conducted on-site or at our facility.

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IWRC Latest Posts

man in white ppe spray painting a military trailer

Changes coming to IWRC's Online Painter Training

Over the past year, the Iowa Waste Reduction Center staff have been working on an update to the Online Painter Training…

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