General Food Waste & Organic Assistance

Food should be a resource not a waste.

Food waste is a complicated issue that has far reaching ramifications including societal strain, environmental degradation, and financial burdens. The IWRC has been providing food waste prevention and reduction services since 2013 and can help reduce your bottom line, decrease your environmental footprint, and walk you through many strategies that work to divert food waste from the landfill. We also provide training and support while implementing food waste initiatives including composting, donation, tracking and analyses, and partnership building that increase local diversion opportunities. Food waste diversion is in our wheel house and we can help. Just give us a call or send us an email.

Food Waste Reduction Posts

person pushing food scraps into a bucket of food scraps for disposal

Unwrapping EPA’s New Wasted Food Scale

For decades, EPA’s Food Recovery Hierarchy has served as the primary tool to help decision makers (i.e., state and local…
Rural Iowa landscape shown at dusk.

Mapping of Rural Iowa Food Deserts

IWRC Environmental Intern, Jordan Burrows, mapped rural Iowa food deserts with the goal of sharing findings with…
women's hands filled with food scraps above a dirt pile

PRESS RELEASE: Iowa Composting Council Seeks Board Nominations

Nominations are currently being accepted for a seat on the Board of Directors for the Iowa Composting Council (IACC), a…

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