Wood Grinders
In an effort to help in your reduction and diversion efforts we have compiled a list of categorized vendors. Please note though that these lists are not comprehensive, or an endorsement or warranty from the Iowa Waste Reduction Center. Businesses should determine that any company or product they use complies with all applicable environmental laws. If you are a vendor and would like to be included or have information updated, please complete our contact form.
Peosta, IA
(563) 557-1555
Cresswood Recycling Systems
Cortland, IL
(800) 962-7302
Granutech-Saturn Systems
Grand Prairie, TX
(972) 790-7800
Haybuster Agricultural Products
Jamestown, ND
(710) 252-4601
Jones Manufacturing Co.
Bemmer, NE
(402) 528-3861
Kolbeck Inc.
LeMars, IA
(712) 546-6861
Rawlings Manufacturing
Missoula, MT
(866) 762-9327
Re-Tech Division of Enviroquip System Inc.
Myerstown, PA
(717) 866-2357
Theco Inc. Powerscreen Sales & Service
Maple Grove, MN
(800) 776-0335
Pella, IA
West Salem Machinery
Salem, OR
(800) 722-3530