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Check out the Iowa DNR's State and Local Emissions Inventory System (SLEIS), a web-based application that allows facilities to submit emissions inventory data.

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Excel calculators to aid in the calculating of emissions from specific industries and processes.


Industry Specific Emissions Calculators

Asphalt Plant (Stationary)

Asphalt Plant (Portable)

Concrete Batching (Stationary)

Concrete Batching (Portable)

Crushing Plant (Stationary)

Crushing Plant (Portable)

Feed Mill

Group 2 Grain Elevator

Process Specific Emissions Calculators

Abrasive Blasting


Dual Fuel Combustion

Haul Roads


Plasma/Laser Cutting


These resources and information have been developed by the Iowa Air Emissions Assistance Program, a program focused on training and educating Iowa small businesses with less than 100 employees. The Iowa Air Emissions Assistance Program is funded by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. This information is intended solely as guidance, cannot be used to bind the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and is not a substitute for reading applicable statutes and regulations.