Environmental Assistance

light blue green background with water like molecules floating

A Quick Glance at EPA’s New PFAS Regulations

Earlier this month, the U.S. EPA put forth new regulations in regards to per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS). The IWRC put together a quick glace at these new regulations to help entities understand what they must do.

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man and woman in work clothes and shovels planting a tree

Celebrating Earth Day 2024

Every day is Earth Day for the Iowa Waste Reduction Center (IWRC) but that doesn’t mean we don’t participate in the nationally dedicated Earth Day efforts.

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two young women posing in front of bridge

National SBEAP Conference: A new staff perspective

Attending a national conference for the first time can be a big deal and nerve racking the first time, especially for a freshly graduated and newly minted employee. Read how the IWRC's newest member navigated her first national conference in Chattanooga, TN.

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child's hands holding a worm cocoon with a bucket of black dirt

Getting the Dirt on Composting and Energy

The beautiful mid March weather has us in the mood to open our windows, break out the planters, and begin stirring the dirt in gardens. Read on the hear how IWRC Environmental Specialist Jason Clay introduced composting and energy conservation to Dayton, IA residents.

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man presenting in front of conference attendees

PRESS RELEASE: Air source heat pump (ASHP) training summit for HVAC contractors is coming to Des Moines this April

In partnership with the Iowa Waste Reduction Center at the University of Northern Iowa, the Midwest Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) Collaborative will be hosting a free training summit on the morning of April 23rd in Des Moines, Iowa. Learn more about the training summit to be held at the Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) Urban Campus and offered free of charge to HVAC contractors.

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Staff member Dan Nickey poses with another conference goer in Daytona Beach

Conference Season is in Full Swing for the IWRC

The first quarter of 2024 is a busy time for IWRC staff with conferences and professional development opportunities. Learn where you can find IWRC staff this 2024 Spring conference season.

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brown chimney releasing air from a factory into the blue sky

PRESS RELEASE: IWRC offers free training for minor source emissions inventory

Businesses classified by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) as minor sources in counties throughout the western portion of the state may be required to submit the Minor Source Emissions Inventory (MSEI) by May 15, 2023.

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woman stands holding fist of dirt demonstrating proper compost moisture.

PRESS RELEASE: IWRC’s Jennifer Trent to serve as the President of the US Composting Council

The USCC is a robust, action-packed, forward-thinking organization that advances compost manufacturing, compost utilization, and organics recycling to benefit its members, society and the environment and it has just named Iowa Waste Reduction Center’s Jennifer Trent as its new Board of Directors President.

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person pushing food scraps into a bucket of food scraps for disposal

Unwrapping EPA’s New Wasted Food Scale

For decades, EPA’s Food Recovery Hierarchy has served as the primary tool to help decision makers (i.e., state and local governments) understand and determine the best options for managing food waste (Environmental Protection Agency, 2023). The hierarchy was established in 1990, so needless to say, an updated version has been eagerly anticipated.

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author and Environmental Intern Kendall Lienemann

The New Fashion Police: Fashion as a point of conversation

For any group of students, there will be challenges and barriers to overcome as they pursue their tomorrow, but they also have the ability to make an impact for a better tomorrow. In my blog, The New Fashion Police: Fashion as Waste, I discussed my interest in starting or hosting a clothing closet or mini thrift store for the campus community to participate in and donate to. My first step was to engage with campus staff and community members to flesh out this idea.

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