Painter Training

Changes coming to IWRC's Online Painter Training
Over the past year, the Iowa Waste Reduction Center staff have been working on an update to the Online Painter Training course provided through our website.

Rota, Spain: A Unique Hub for U.S. Military Equipment Painting
Two continents, multiple connecting flights and 15hrs and 35 minutes is all it takes to connect Rota, Spain to Cedar Falls, IA. Learn more about this unique relationship and how IWRC's STAR4D painter training program has a global impact.

Conference Season is in Full Swing for the IWRC
The first quarter of 2024 is a busy time for IWRC staff with conferences and professional development opportunities. Learn where you can find IWRC staff this 2024 Spring conference season.

UNI's Economic of Sustainability Class Teams Up with STAR4D for Impact
December on a college campus in Iowa brings cooler temperatures, an increase in caffeinated beverages (usually warm), and a dedicated study spot in the library to prep for those pesky finals. For the students in Dr. Alicia Rosburg’s Economics of Sustainability class, their final project was the culmination of research, analysis and problem-solving resulting in recommendations to address a real-world problem for a real-life client.

The Next Generation of Waste Reduction
Five students have left their mark at UNI’s Iowa Waste Reduction Center (IWRC) this summer, working across various internal and community-based projects. Paige German, Kendall Lienmann, Makayla Gasper, Eliana Hornbuckle, and Haley Christoffer may be from different universities, but they now have something in common: they all built a better Iowa through their work for the IWRC.

How One Iowa Company Discovered Thousands of Dollars In Energy Savings
Energy efficiency is vital to Iowa’s energy management plan and it reduces the amount of energy consumed. For a business, that means a decrease in energy generated environmental impact and a significant reduction in business energy costs. The Iowa Waste Reduction Center’s (IWRC) Iowa Energy Efficiency Program for Rural Small Businesses is designed to assist small businesses seeking to reduce their energy consumption and improve their bottom line.

Iowa Waste Reduction Turns Green for a Good Cause
On August 8, the Iowa Waste Reduction Center’s (IWRC) painter training program turned in their traditional purple and gray colors for green to assist the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) and Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG)’s new Green Dot Program.